TI 59         

TI59 Emulator

When I was young, I had a TI58 which I replaced later by a TI 59.
I still use my TI59.

In 2002, I wrote a TI 59 emulator for Pocket PC .

Later, I updated this emulator in order to :
  • implement 13 digits numbers
  • support other platforms :Smartphone (poor resolution and no stylus), Windows
  • add a real debugger (Windows version only)
A few programs for TI:


This emulator includes a debugger which enables to :
  • see in program list which instruction is being executed
  • watch memories content and flags state
  • place breakpoints, either inconditional or conditioned by the value of a memory
NewNew (2011/01/02) : added a Printer Window as well as memo cards

Version Windows avec débogueur

Download TI 59 Emulator for Windows

Pocket PC

This is the first version I wrote but it has been updated to handle 13 digits numbers and to run faster

Version Pocket PC

Download TI59 Emulator for Windows Mobile (Pocket PC)


The main characteristics of this version is the low resolution support as well as the absence of stylus

Version Smartphone

Download TI 59 Emulator for Smartphone

Other TI 58 / 59 sites